See how the 90 Day Reporting works online. Be this a 90 day reporting Pattaya or a 90 day reporting Thailand. If you have a 12 month extended visa such as a Thai marriage visa or a Thai retirement visa or if you are the holder of a work permit in Thailand then every 90 days or 3 months you need to report your home address to Thai Immigration. You have to complete a form for this process which they normally hand to your to sign. The form has been listed below.
90 Day Reporting
You can report 15 days before the due date or 7 days after the due date. Note that the 7 days includes Saturdays and Sunday. If you are late then there is a fine for this late reporting. The fines are now 500THB per day for late reporting. You can report in person or you can report via mail. You can also send someone else to do this for you. Most simply do it themselves.
So to sum up your options are:
- 1. Report in person
- 2. Report via registered Thai mail
- 3. Report by sending someone else to do it for you
If you reporting by registered mail in Thailand then you need to ensure that the following is done
- Photocopy of your passport pages with following pages
– front page showing your name / your surname / Passport No.
– current Thai visa in your passport
– last entry stamp of immigration
– last extension of visa paper - Photocopy of your departure card TM.6
- Previous notifications of staying over 90 days (if you have any)
- Completely filled in and signed notification form TM.47
- Envelope with 20 Baht stamp affixed and your return address on it
- The above mentioned documents must be sent by registered mail
Immigration Offices
Some of the most common immigration offices where foreigners report to would be mainly where there are loads of expats living in Thailand. Note that some allow you to do your reporting on a Saturday such as at Pattaya Immigration. The following are the most common places but you can report during the week at your closest Thai immigration office in Thailand. These are Thai Immigration in Pattaya as well as the largest office being Immigration in Bangkok as well as for those tourist at Thai Immigration in Phuket as well as
immigration in Krabi. Mainly expats report at Immigration in Nong Khai and Thai Immigration in Rayong as well as Immigration in Nonthaburi which is also very busy.
Download Reporting Form
— > 90 Day Reporting form (TM 47)
90 Day Reporting Online
Yes! The online system has finally been fixed after so many years where many could not report online. Note when you first extend you visa in Thailand. The first 90 day report has to be done in person. After that you can report online without any issue. The new system went online in December 2021 and has be online since then. The TM47 reporting which the 90 day reporting is called is easy enough to understand.
To start using the new online 90 day reporting system, you must first register here:
Register online for the 90 day reporting
The system will only accept English so complete the registration information. It will send you a password to the email address that you used now to signup. This will become your registered email address for your 90 day reporting. This is important as it will send you an email just before you time becomes due. So the new system will send you a reminder. When it sends you email, check your spam folder. The email registration is not always instant, as you can wait up to two hours for a response.
Reporting due dates
The online 90 day reporting can be done up to 15 days in advance of the date the 90 day report is due. They will most times send you a reminder of this when your next reporting becomes due. Immigration has also stated that confirmation of the 90 day report takes normally 3 days. This will however differ at which immigration office managers you reporting. the large offices such as immigration in Bangkok takes about 5 business days after submission, while smaller offices it can take less then 2-3 hours in places such as immigration in Loei which is a smaller office with fewer expats.
Check for 90 day report updates
You can login to the same system and see if your reporting is still being checked or approved. For that matter it will also tell you if it has been denied. You can then make another attempt at completing the form. Sometimes its a small issue like saying condo number instead of apartment number. Check the content again. Again the system cannot be used for your first reporting. This is also the same if you changed passports. The first report with a new passport needs to be done in person.
Appointment Bookings
You can now also use the same system to book an appointment with immigration online. It will then give you an option as to where in thailand you wish to make the appointment in Thailand. Note that using a VPN will not allow you to make an appointment, so turn off your VPN when making appointments or doing your 90 day reporting.
Once last thing. If you completed a 90 day report before. You can simply type in your passport number and click on the magnifier glass and it will put all the data back in the way you did your last reporting. This saves you from writing in all your details again. Very nice addition they made with that.